But For Now
But for now I'll just say I love you
Nothing more seems important somehow
And tomorrow can wait come whatever
Let me love you forever but right now
Right now
Lyrics by Bob Dorough
Humans have an almost universal connection with nature. Immersed in it, we become grounded to a more basic force. Watching a night sky filled with stars or standing at the ocean gazing at the horizon can be moments of sublime enlightenment. Emotional responses to the landscape have long been romanticised as metaphors for the human spirit.
My practice explores the landscape as visual poetry speaking to us in emotional terms. Images of the wild and the natural are familiar but at the same time evocative. Beyond pure recognition, we find in them a space to contemplate and be carried away.
This body of work came out of my deep desire to connect with loved ones after some recent personal adversities. A longing born out of memories and dreams is portrayed in the solitude amongst the infinite natural world.
© 2016