End of Romanticism

The end of romanticism


We all align to something higher than ourselves. There is a yearning for a greater good, more pure purpose, a more authentic connection. We all drive towards our nirvana, rant on social media trying to create our own world- order, proselytise to those who don't think the way we do, and are ready to die to defend our point of view.

Yet we all see the world the way we see it, and expect that everyone else should align, and we don't want to believe there are other points of view. Sometimes we don't even believe that someone else can see a different taken on what we are both looking at.

This work takes a subject as sublime as the sea's horizon, with all it's symbolism of purity, infinity, longing, anticipation, and portrays it via the filter of our own experience. We are made to see the romantic notion of the subject framed by reflections of our environment, what’s around us, and the impact of time in the view. Each moment presenting a different view.

© 2015